quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2016

Most Expensive Cars of Football Players

Resultado de imagem para LOGO FOOTBALL + CARS


Another (updated) comparison showing the most expensive cars some of the most famous football players have acquired. Maybe these kind of cash is not a problem for them. Not at all.
Nani, Messi and Drogba looks to be the most modest guys from them all. They all have cars that cost around €165 000. Right after them are another EPL players who also have bought expensive cars form famous brands. The only one who has not bought a sports car in this picture seems to be David Baeckham. He has decided to buy a Rolls-Royce Phantom with a price tag of no less than €410 000. As in many other comparison pictures, ahead of everybody is Cristiano Ronaldo. He has acquired a brand new Ferrari LaFerrari for the modest amount of €2 350 000. You decide which one you like the most.

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