terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2015


Resultado de imagem para LOGO Meiji Yasuda J1 League 2015  Resultado de imagem para LOGO Meiji Yasuda J1 League 2015

Top Scorers

1Takashi UsamiGamba Osaka10014
2Yoshito OKUBOKawasaki Frontale10014
3Yoshinori MutoFC Tokyo10015
4Yohei ToyodaSagan Tosu10115
5Yuki MutoUrawa Red Diamonds6014
6RenatinhoKawasaki Frontale6014
7Genki OmaeShimizu S-Pulse6015
8Shinzo KorokiUrawa Red Diamonds509
9Kenyu SugimotoKawasaki Frontale5010
10Rafael SilvaAlbirex Niigata5010
11Zlatan LJUBIJANKICUrawa Red Diamonds5011
12LeandroKashiwa Reysol5012
13Peter UtakaShimizu S-Pulse5013
14Tsukasa UmesakiUrawa Red Diamonds5014
15Masato KudoKashiwa Reysol5014

Urawa Reds37110419
S Hiroshima309339
FC Tokyo299424
G Osaka2882410
Yokohama FM257447
Kawasaki F247533
V Sendai195645
Nagoya G195641
Kashima A195640
Shonan B19564-3
S Tosu19564-9
V Kobe17465-2
V Kofu16591-12
Matsumoto Y15483-6
Kashiwa R14365-3
Montedio Y14375-4
Shimizu S13384-7
A Niigata11285-12

Wednesday 03/06/2015
First Stage
Sunday 07/06/2015
First Stage
Saturday 20/06/2015
First Stage
Tuesday 23/06/2015
First Stage
Saturday 27/06/2015
First Stage

MEIJI YASUDA J1 League 1st Stage 15th Sec vs Shimizu S-Pulse (Result)  

The result of MEIJI YASUDA J1 League 1st Stage 15th Sec vs Shimizu S-Pulse held on 7 June.
Kick-off at 16:04pm, Saitama Stadium 2002.

Urawa Reds 1-0 (HT0-0) Shimizu S-Pulse
Goals:52min Shinzo Koroki
MEIJI YASUDA J1 League 1st Stage 15th Sec vs Shimizu S-Pulse (Result)MEIJI YASUDA J1 League 1st Stage 15th Sec vs Shimizu S-Pulse (Result)MEIJI YASUDA J1 League 1st Stage 15th Sec vs Shimizu S-Pulse (Result)MEIJI YASUDA J1 League 1st Stage 15th Sec vs Shimizu S-Pulse (Result)

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